Quit Your Job, Sis

UNHINGED EP 5: Business Unfiltered - My Hot Takes on Popular Freelancing Practices

Lindsay Hanson Episode 186

As a service provider or an entrepreneur, are you doing what’s best for your business, or are you running things based on how you think they *should* go?

In this episode, I share my thoughts on some widely accepted practices in the world of freelancing and business that I - well, don’t believe in.

Tune in as I discuss:

  • Proposals and the value they provide - are they really necessary? 
  • Hourly rates versus package offers: what I would do differently if I were starting my business from scratch
  • Offering discounts, and why you should stop doing this
  • Invoicing, client calls, and more

You’re allowed to run your business ANY way you want to.

No matter what, it's important to understand what you bring to the table and value your own expertise and time. Never compromise on your worth, and you’ll attract the clients that you’re meant to work with.

Don’t miss this week’s episode to hear my take on common business beliefs in the freelancing world.

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[00:00:59] Lindsay: Hello, my loves. Welcome back to another unhinged episode of Quit Your Job, Sis. Before we get into this one, I just have to share with you guys because right before I hit record, I got a message from someone on my team who was telling me how she admires how level-headed and calm I am in the way that I run my business.

[00:01:23] And I was just thinking about the fact that I just had anxiety for four days straight about an email that I sent last week. And that is not the first time that has happened. I also have a mental breakdown where my mind tries to convince me that my business and my life are falling apart about once a month, even when there's literally no proof of that in my reality.

[00:01:51] But my brain is just like, no, all of your clients are leaving you tomorrow. And zero of my clients have ever even mentioned that they might stop working with me, but that is where my brain goes. So, I say this to say, for those of you who maybe look up to me as far as being a business owner, that's amazing, and I love that, and I appreciate that so much, but I don't want you to ever, for one second, think that I have my shit together at all times.

[00:02:26] I do think that I can be extremely level-headed. I also have a mental breakdown for no reason on a monthly basis. That is real. And that does happen. But for the girlies, I just needed to say that because if you are someone who also experiences that, it doesn't mean that you're not killing it doesn't mean that you can't be successful and cry sometimes about your business. You can absolutely slay and also have a little menty B once in a while, you know? That is allowed. That's how we do it as female business owners. And honestly, I love that for us. I love it so much because you better believe once I'm done with my monthly mental breakdown, I make some shit happen. I sign a new client, upgrade someone's package, and get a new opportunity that comes my way. The business keeps growing, and I'm still going to keep having mental breakdowns, but we're going to keep slaying through it.

[00:03:33] Okay, so to get into the actual topic of today's episode, I wanted to share a few of the things that I don't believe in as a freelancer, as a business owner, as a service provider, and some of these are really like core beliefs that I have held throughout my entire business that are maybe controversial and maybe go against how a lot of other people do things in their business, and that's fine, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on some of these I guess widely used or accepted practices that I just don't agree with, and you can decide for yourself whether you want to agree with them or not, but I just want to share my thoughts.

[00:04:17] Okay, so let's get right into it. The first one, and probably the most controversial one, is proposals. I do not believe in proposals. I've never sent a proposal. Except for one time, exactly one time, when a potential client insisted that I send them a proposal, and immediately after I hit send, I was like, I actually don't want to work with this person, and so I backed out of that and didn't end up working with them.

[00:04:45] And here's the thing: to me, proposals are a waste of time. You already have all the information that I would put into a proposal, I just haven't packaged it in a pretty PDF that's going to take me three hours to create. So if you can't make a decision without that, I don't know what to tell you, but I'm not going to waste my time putting together a proposal for you.

[00:05:07] That's kind of how I feel about it, and my other thought as a social media manager is me putting together a proposal is basically me giving you a social media strategy for free. You want me to put together a document that tells you exactly what I'm going to do for you and outline what platforms I recommend using, how often we're going to be posting, and what type of posts I'm going to create for you?

[00:05:30] That's kind of a full-blown content strategy, and I'm not going to give you that for free. We can kind of talk it through on our discovery call, and I can give you a general idea of... in my packages now that I give to my clients, when they're deciding whether or not they want to work with me, we do have like certain platforms and a certain number of posts and things like that, but, I'm not going to get more in-depth than that.

[00:05:57] I'm not going to be giving you a full-blown marketing strategy for free in the form of a proposal. And so I just don't really see the value in a proposal. I guess if my clientele was like big corporations, and that's who I wanted to work with, they probably would expect a proposal. Because there are many people involved in making a decision of who you're going to work with and on a certain project and what the budget is and all of that.

[00:06:26] But for me personally, I mostly work with solopreneurs who are the sole decision-makers of their business; their business is usually small. And so I just don't see the point in putting together a proposal; to me, it feels like a waste of time. To be completely honest with you. You have all the information; you can go on my website, you can look at my portfolio, you can look at all the different types of projects I've done.

[00:06:50] And the results I've gotten for other clients, you can look at testimonials from my clients. Before I onboard a client, we typically have a discovery call where I also talk with them about their business, what they're looking for, their goals, and their budget. I answer any questions they have. So to me, I feel like, after that call, you have all the information you need.

[00:07:10] And putting together a proposal is just me spending additional time on something that is not necessary. Before I have been paid anything, I'm just not going to do that. I don't believe in working for free. So that's how I feel about proposals. Again, probably my hottest take as a freelancer, but it's just how I feel.

[00:07:32] And also, I think as someone who has worked with different freelancing platforms, like on Fiverr, I don't have to send you a proposal. You look at my services, you look at my packages, you can look at my prior work samples, you can look at reviews from my previous clients, and then you decide whether you want to work with me or not.

[00:07:51] I don't see why there would have to be an additional step involved in me spelling out exactly what I'm going to do for you. You already have all that information. You know what I mean? And so... I've never sent a proposal other than that one time that I regretted it, and it hasn't stopped me from getting any clients so far.

[00:08:10] I mean, maybe that one person, but I didn't want to work with them anyway because I just realized they were not the type of client who I wanted to work with. So it has; it has yet to hold me back. I've never sent a proposal as a coach or as a social media manager, and it's never stopped me from getting a client who I wanted to work with. So that's my take on proposals. 

[00:08:34] Moving on: discounts. I don't really believe in giving discounts. I say that, and then I'm thinking about a couple of instances where I have so that we can walk through those. But what I really don't believe in Is giving discounts just because someone tells you that they can't afford you or they want a cheaper rate or they have somebody else who's offering them a lower rate, and they want you to match that. I'm not going to do that.

[00:09:02] My prices are my prices. I know the value that I can provide, and I'm not going to discount that just because you're asking for a discount. That's not a good enough reason. Just because you don't want to pay that much is not a good enough reason. And, also speaking from experience, cheap clients are annoying clients.

[00:09:22] Cheap clients are needy clients. And any time I have ever agreed to give someone a lower rate, it has taken me so much longer to get their work done because they're constantly micromanaging. This is why I'm thinking mostly on Fiverr because that's really the only time I did this at the beginning of my Fiverr journey.

[00:09:44] It's like, those are the clients who are messaging you every day asking for a status update on how things are going. Those are the buyers who are going to send you back three different rounds of revisions. Those are the buyers who... Usually, expect the most, even though they are paying the least, and they're not willing to pay you more, but they still expect you to deliver above and beyond.

[00:10:06] And in my experience, the best clients and easiest clients to work with are the ones who don't have any price objections because they see the value in your work; they trust you to deliver a good product and deliver good results for them. They don't micromanage you; they're not needy. And if we're talking about Fiverr, those are typically the clients who leave me a nice tip and a five-star review.

[00:10:31] Not the cheap clients. So, it's really just not worth your time. Even if you are in the beginning and you feel like you have to say yes because you don't have any other clients or projects and you're just trying to make money, I mean, it's, it's kind of like a canon event. I think you have to take on a couple of those clients yourself to really understand, but it's so not worth it.

[00:10:51] At this point in my business and in my career as a social media manager, it is laughable to me if someone asks for a discount. I am in a conversation currently with a potential client who found me on Contra and reached out about optimizing her LinkedIn profile. And when I sent over my prices, she was like, Oh, that's a lot more than I'm willing to spend on this, or more than I was expecting to spend on this.

[00:11:18] And then she was like, I mean, I was anticipating this would probably take you like an hour and a half. And so, partially, I get it because, on Contra, you have your hourly rate listed. Hourly rates are next up on the list, so we'll get into that. But it's really not about how long it takes me it's about the fact that I've been doing this for years, and I know how to deliver an effective LinkedIn profile that's gonna... Do something for you. You can go to someone who's gonna charge you less and deliver you a complete LinkedIn profile, but is it actually gonna be effective? Is it actually gonna convert leads once they land on your profile?

[00:11:53] Maybe, but I know because of the results that I've delivered to many, many clients over the years, I know the quality of the work that I'm delivering, so you're not paying me for the amount of time it's going to take me to do it, you're paying me for the quality of the deliverable that I am delivering to you and the results that it's going to help you achieve.

[00:12:14] So, it was just laughable to me; I actually chuckled when I saw that message because I was like, yeah, this is not someone who I want to work with. And okay, here are my thoughts on the situations where I have offered a discount, it wasn't even really a discount. It was maybe I created a customized package for someone to try to be able to fit within their budget because I really wanted to work with them, and I felt like they were a great fit, and I knew I could help them.

[00:12:46] But my standard packages maybe didn't align with their budget. So I didn't just give them a discount on my packages, but I maybe created a custom package with them that had less, fewer deliverables, or maybe less calls with me or less access to me or something that warranted a lower price. But I'm not just going to give you my standard package for a discount because you can't afford it.

[00:13:12] It's not my responsibility to figure out how you can afford me. That's on you. If you want to work with me, then these are my prices. And it's not my job to help you figure out how you're going to pay them. And that's really an attitude I've had since the beginning of my business.

[00:13:31] I don't need to figure out how you're going to pay me; that's on you, and if you can't afford me, that's fine; I get it, my prices aren't cheap, but there's a reason they're not cheap, and I'm not just gonna discount them because you can't afford them. No other business does that. No other business does that, and I think there's something about A, being a woman, that we are uncomfortable talking about money, and we also have imposter syndrome.

[00:13:58] We aren't sure of our own worth a lot of the times, especially in the beginning, and so, we're just more willing to discount our rates, and we're probably already undercharging, and then on top of that, we're discounting our rates because we are like, "Well, maybe I don't really deserve that much money anyway, or it's really not going to take me that long anyway, so this rate is fine, like, yeah, I can give you a discount," and it's just, it makes me so sad.

[00:14:25] Because no other business does that. You can't walk into Target and say, hey, I want to buy this shirt, but I can't afford it. What are you going to do about that? They're going to be like, "We're going to put it back on the shelf for you." You can't do that at any other business. That's not how it works.

[00:14:42] And that's not how it's going to work for you in your business either, okay? Stop giving people discounts. So, going back to hourly rates, and if you listened to my episode last week, then I talked about this a little bit. I don't believe in charging hourly rates. Currently, I am charging hourly rates for many of my clients because that's what I did in the beginning, and I kind of got myself in a place where I'm a little bit stuck, not completely. You're never stuck; you can always change things up in your business, and I fully intend to transition all of my clients off of hourly packages and into more project-based or deliverable-based packages very soon. I'm just working on figuring out how to do that, but I don't believe in charging hourly rates. And this isn't even just as a freelancer. It's really just in general. Who the fuck came up with the system?

[00:15:35] And I get that it makes sense because it's hard to quantify the work that you're putting in, and maybe in certain industries, it makes sense to charge hourly. It made sense when I was 16 years old and working at my local grocery store that they paid me hourly.

[00:15:54] But as a professional, it just doesn't make sense to me because you're not paying me for my time; you're paying me for my expertise. You're paying me for the results I can deliver to you. And the whole point of becoming a freelancer, starting your own business, for a lot of us, me included, the whole point is that we want more control over our time.

[00:16:18] We want more freedom. We want to be able to work less without having to sacrifice our income, right? We can't do that if we are getting paid by the hour because then the only way to make more money is to work more hours, and you're always going to cap yourself because you only have so many hours in a day that you can be productive, right?

[00:16:39] And yes, you could build out a team, and then your capacity expands, but it still just doesn't make sense to me. Not only that, but it's like you're getting punished for being efficient because the more efficient you are, which generally means the more experienced you are at your job and the better you are at it, the less you're going to get paid. That doesn't make any sense at all. Also, as I started to build out my business and take on more clients, I just ended up in this place charging hourly where every single month, I was so stressed about how I was going to meet all of my client hours because if a client is paying me for 20 hours of work every month, but I'm only using 10 of those hours then they're just going to reduce their package to 10 hours right? Why would they pay me for 10 additional hours so then I'm going to get paid less for the same amount of work that I was doing that may be used to take me more time, but now that I've gotten better at it, I'm more efficient at it.

[00:17:46] It just doesn't make sense, and everyone takes a different amount of time to do things like for me it might take me. It takes me a long time to write. Sometimes, it depends on what I'm writing, but generally, my writing process is kind of a long time, and there are other people who might be able to write faster. Does that mean that their work quality is better?

[00:18:10] Not necessarily. I don't know; it's just it's It does not make sense to me that we're trading time for money. You're not paying me for my time. You're paying me for my expertise. So why am I charging you by the hour? And I think that's the number one thing I would change. I said this in the last episode, the number one thing I would change if I could go back and start my agency over again is not charging per hour because I think I would have been able to grow more effectively if I wasn't charging by the hour, because then I would be, I would have been able to take on more clients and get more work done and just get more efficient at it without that meaning that my income suffers. So I would have been able to prioritize being more efficient with my work, and that would have allowed me to take on more clients before I reached the point where I had to hire and build out my team and outsource.

[00:19:07] And I would also be able to, I think, raise my prices more quickly because when you're charging hourly, it kind of gets tough. You can only raise your prices so much before. So... If I've been working with a client and, you know, they're paying me 40 an hour, and then I'm like, oh, as of next month, my prices are going up to 50 an hour.

[00:19:31] That feels like a really big jump, you know? And so, I don't know. I just, don't love anything about charging hourly rates, and I'm really, my goal is to get all of my clients off of hourly packages and even get my team off of hourly packages. Because if I don't believe in hourly rates for myself, why would I pay other people hourly?

[00:19:53] I'd rather pay them for the work that they're delivering and be able to reward them or incentivize them to be more efficient rather than punishing them for being more efficient. So, if you can avoid it, don't charge hourly rates. It's just it'll get you stuck in this cycle of shit. Okay, I have a couple more things that I want to share.

[00:20:18] The next one is giving out my personal phone number. And this is a boundary that I have broken a couple of times, and I pretty much always regret it. I do not give clients my personal phone number. There are so many ways that we can stay in touch these days that it's just not necessary. You can email me, you can Slack me, a lot of my clients even have their own sort of internal communication system or maybe project management software where we can also communicate there, and it's just, It's a boundary that's really important to me because I don't want to have to be, sitting on my couch, enjoying my evening and then I get a text from one of my clients and it's like, yes, you don't necessarily have to answer it right then and there, but then you know that you have a notification from them and then it's on your mind because you're like, well, what do they want?

[00:21:13] Like, is it something bad? What's going on? And you can't, like, there's no way to separate work and personal life if you're giving out your personal phone number to your clients. And I think sometimes in the beginning, we can feel like we have to do that because it's like a courtesy or an expectation or it shows your clients that you really value them and you're gonna be there at all hours of the day.

[00:21:39] Absolutely not. In the instances where I have given my personal phone number, which is rare, I set very clear boundaries and expectations around, I don't answer anything work-related after these hours. Or on weekends, if you send me a message, I'll get back to you the next workday.

[00:22:00] But pretty much every time I've given out my personal number, I regret it. And sometimes it's just kind of an expectation the client has because maybe people who they work with typically give out their phone number, but you don't have to. Whenever that's happened, I just say to them, like, Oh, I have a policy that I don't give out my personal phone number, but here's how you can contact me instead if you need anything.

[00:22:21] And usually, they're very much okay with that. And if it's something that they're pushing your boundaries on, and they really want your personal phone number, I would especially not give it to them because why do you need my personal phone number? I have had some clients who gave me their personal phone numbers.

[00:22:37] Because they're like, you know, if you need anything, just call me. I'm not always active online or on my email or whatever. If that works for you, then great. But I personally, don't give out my personal phone number. And I also don't call my clients on their personal phone numbers. We work in marketing.

[00:22:54] There's nothing that's that important. It can wait till Monday. It's not an emergency. So I don't need your personal phone number, and you do not need mine. And also going along with calls from clients, this is just a me thing. I don't take calls in the mornings, and I typically don't take calls on Fridays.

[00:23:16] There are some instances where I make an exception. But I really value my time and my energy. And for me personally, I'm not an early-morning person. I usually don't start my work day. Lately, it's been like 11 a.m. that I'm starting my work days. I need my morning routine, and my morning routine is a three-hour event because I wake up usually at 8 I do a workout and then I make myself a nice breakfast, and I listen to a podcast, and then I take my time getting ready for the day.

[00:23:58] And that time is really important for me to be able to center myself. If I just woke up and started working, I would feel like I wasn't grounded. I would just feel stressed and frantic. And so, what I've learned works well for me is starting my days a little bit later. So, I literally block off my calendar, and I don't do calls before 11 am.

[00:24:21] I once had a client who, when we started working together, asked if we could do a call at 7 a.m. or 7 a.m. my time. I was like, no, we absolutely cannot like, but we can do 11 if that works for you. I think especially in the beginning, we feel like we have to kind of cater to whatever our clients want.

[00:24:42] You don't. You can just let them know what you're working hours are. I remember when I first started coaching. I did client check-in calls on weekends because I felt like I had to. I was like, well, everyone's working during the week, so they're not going to be able to do their check-in calls until the weekend.

[00:24:59] Not true, but because I left my weekends open, of course they were going to schedule calls on the weekend. But if they really had to, if their only option were during the week, we would have found a time to make it work. So you really have to be solid on your boundaries as a business owner and as a freelancer because otherwise you're... you are the one who tells your clients how they can treat you and what is acceptable.

[00:25:24] And so for me, it's always really important to set those boundaries and set them clearly and set them upfront so that. I don't, for the most part, I don't have clients who push those boundaries because I made them very clear upfront. There are certain things I'm just not willing to be flexible on.

[00:25:43] Taking a call at 7 a.m. is one of those things, you know what I mean? And my Fridays usually are kind of my catch-up days. And I don't want to have to be working a full day on Fridays, I usually end my day around 3 p.m. ideally. And so I really try to leave those days free of calls so that I have the space to do the work I need to do and just get it done and then enjoy my weekend.

[00:26:11] So, you gotta find the schedule that works for you. For some people, they might prefer early mornings, and maybe that means you block off your calendar in the afternoons. That's great, find what works for you, but I do recommend figuring out a schedule that works for you, and then how you set boundaries around it.

[00:26:31] I also don't usually do more than two, maybe three max calls in a day because calls drain a lot of my energy. And so, if I am doing back-to-back calls, it just completely drains me, and I'm not able to really be productive with the rest of the work I need to do that day. And I know that about myself.

[00:26:54] So I intentionally, when I schedule calls with clients, or even just how I have my calendar blocked off in Calendly, I make sure that I don't have too many calls in one day, and especially not too many calls back to back. So that's just like a boundary thing that I highly recommend. But, lastly, last but not least, because this one is actually really important to me, and I think something that a lot of people feel like they just have to do it this way, and I'm like, no, you absolutely do not.

[00:27:23] Getting paid after the work is completed. Getting paid after services are rendered is not something I believe in. I don't believe in net 30 invoices. Yeah, I'll send you an invoice after the services are completed, and then on top of that you have 30 days to pay me, so you're telling me I have to wait 60 days from when I actually start working with you to actually get paid?

[00:27:49] Absolutely not. Why would I do that? I'll see videos of people complaining about the waiting period when they're waiting on an invoice from a client and I'm like, I don't really have that problem because I just require people to pay me up front. So if they don't pay, I won't start working. I'm not going to sit around and wait to get paid.

[00:28:08] I think this goes back. Okay, one of the core beliefs that I've always had in my business, or at least recently had in my business for the past few years is: it is easy to get paid. It's not hard to get paid. But I think there are so many ways that we make it hard on ourselves. We make it hard for people to pay us.

[00:28:26] We make it a difficult process when it really can be very easy. This is another thing. The waiting period between a discovery call and hearing back from a client on whether they want to work with you or not. I, for the most part, by the end of our discovery calls, my clients have made a decision.

[00:28:46] I go into a discovery call expecting the other person to give me a yes or a no before we get off the call. I don't usually let people get off a call without making a decision. Or at least give them a timeline of when they need to get back to me. But I'm not just gonna talk to you and then hope I hear back from you and just wait for you to get back to me on what you decide. I don't have time I have other things to do I have other clients to work with if it's a no that's fine, but you need to tell me that it's a no so that I can move on with my life. I'm not going to sit in this limbo period waiting to hear from you, but I think a lot of people have this idea that we have to give people time to make that decision and sometimes I do like people do need more time than others to make that decision, but I still will give them a time period, like you have 24 hours or 48 hours to get back to me.

[00:29:39] And if you don't come back to me by that time, I can't guarantee I'll have availability for you. The spots are only open for a limited time. And I did this as a coach, and I do it now as a social media manager. I just don't understand why I would wait for someone to give me an answer. The point of the discovery call is to help them decide whether they want to work with you.

[00:30:04] So why are we making it any harder than that? Why are we prolonging this? And this is why it kind of goes back to proposals too. Because I'll see people whose process for signing a client is so damn long. You have a discovery call with them, and then you take a day or two to put together a proposal that you send to them, and then you wait a week or two for them to get back to you, and then you're going back and forth over email for a month.

[00:30:31] No, for most of my clients, the time between them applying to work with me and them being onboarded as a client is a few days max. Why would it be any longer than that? So I make it easy for people to pay me. I have automated invoices that go out to each of my clients on the first of the month, and they all know that their payments are due upfront.

[00:31:00] So if we reach the 15th of the month and I haven't gotten paid, I will not continue services for that month, right? And I've very rarely had a client situation where that was the case, the vast majority of my clients pay. In full upfront on time, and this was true with coaching and social media management. I expect to get paid up front, and I'm really not available for any other option. That's just how it is that's just how my business runs.

[00:31:33] And no one has ever had an issue with that. So it always just baffles me when people are sitting around waiting for their clients to pay them. Why don't you just send the invoice up front? Again, I think we just do things because we think that that's how it's done. We think that's how it has to be.

[00:31:49] Or that's just what people expect. No, it's your business. You set the rules. You decide how and when you get paid. And I am not going to ever decide to get paid after I do the work. I get paid upfront. That's just how it is. I have bills to pay. I have a team to pay. But even before that, I expected to get paid upfront.

[00:32:09] And even if you're charging hourly, which I was doing in the beginning, it's like you charge hourly and then you just bill your client after the month ends. For the amount of hours that you worked, and if that works for you, then fine, but for me, I want to get paid upfront, so I would, we would decide on a monthly retainer amount for a certain number of hours, and I would get paid upfront for that amount of hours.

[00:32:33] And then if I didn't complete that amount of hours, then we'd have to reduce their retainer potentially, which is why I was so stressed out about meeting all of my hours when I'm charging hourly, right? But, yeah, I don't believe in waiting to get paid. I don't believe that getting paid has to be hard.

[00:32:50] Getting paid is easy, and that's a really good affirmation for you to probably start implementing into your business. But I think, you know, these core beliefs that I have just really dictate how my business is run and what my boundaries are. And I feel like I've had some really solid core beliefs from the beginning about how things work.

[00:33:11] My clients give me a yes or no at the end of our discovery calls. Onboarding a new client is not a long process. Getting paid is easy. The vast majority of my payments are automated, and they hit my bank account the first week of the month from all of my clients. Getting new clients is easy.

[00:33:29] Getting paid by my clients is easy. I know the value that I provide, and I charge accordingly. And it's not my job to help people figure out how they're gonna afford me, but the right clients are gonna find me and they're not gonna have any price objections and it's gonna be great. These are just core beliefs that I have that has really served me, but have also kind of dictated the processes that I then put in place in my business.

[00:33:58] The fact that I automate a lot of the invoicing process. When I onboard a new client, I set up their invoice the first time, and then I never look at it again, and I just get paid automatically every month. What's fucking easier than that? I'm not chasing people down for money. I'm not waiting 30 days to get paid.

[00:34:15] It's just a very easy process, but it's a process that has been dictated by these beliefs that I hold about myself, my worth, and just what works for me and my business. So, I recommend coming up with your own set of core beliefs about your work and about how you want things to be for you and structuring the processes and systems in your business around those beliefs how can you make it easier to get paid, how can you make it easier for people to pay you how can you.

[00:34:48] Set up your schedule to make sure that it works for you and it allows you to be productive and also preserve your energy. How can you set your prices in a way that's gonna feel like you're being fairly compensated for your work and you're also not being penalized for being efficient? Yeah. Anyway, this episode ended up being longer than I expected, but I hope that it was helpful for you guys. Maybe helped you to see things differently in how you can run your business and make it work better for you.

[00:35:21] And I'd love to hear your thoughts on the things that I don't believe in as a freelancer. Which ones were a hot take? Which ones do you agree with? Which ones do you not agree with? Let me know. Slide into my DMs. If you're listening on Spotify, there should be a question box that you can answer. But I want to hear from you guys.

[00:35:43] I love also hearing from you as you are building your businesses and quitting your jobs. Don't hesitate to DM me. I love getting DMs telling me that you just quit your job, that you went full time in your business, that you got your first client, whatever it is. That shit fuels my soul. I love it so much.

[00:36:03] So, I love you guys. I appreciate you. I'm here for you always. Thank you for listening. And I will talk to you in the next unhinged episode.

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