Quit Your Job, Sis

Mindset Techniques to Grow Your Business w/ Biz + Mindset Coach Shana Dewitt

January 23, 2023 Lindsay Hanson / Shana Dewitt Episode 155
Mindset Techniques to Grow Your Business w/ Biz + Mindset Coach Shana Dewitt
Quit Your Job, Sis
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Quit Your Job, Sis
Mindset Techniques to Grow Your Business w/ Biz + Mindset Coach Shana Dewitt
Jan 23, 2023 Episode 155
Lindsay Hanson / Shana Dewitt

If you're wondering why your business isn't thriving despite the amount of effort and energy you put into it, chances are you need a mindset shift. Entrepreneurs often struggle achieving the success they strive for in business because their focus is on the wrong issue.

The reality is, in order to achieve success with any strategy, you must tackle what's really blocking progress: yourself! In this episode, I chat with Shana Dewitt, a business coach and marketing strategist, who helps women create sustainable businesses doing meaningful work.

Shana discusses why embracing the power of mindset shifts and releasing perfectionism are keys to success. She also shares tips on how you can get clear on your goals, the importance of investing in yourself and your business, and why getting help when you need it is essential. If you're ready to step up and make some real progress in your business, this episode is for you!

Join us as we discuss:

(1) Common mindset blocks that can keep women stuck from growing their businesses

(2) How to reframe your negative perspective on selling so you can feel good about promoting your services

(3) Identifying your underlying limiting beliefs and fears that are keeping you stuck

(4) Strategies for working through uncomfortable feelings and avoiding the "Whack-a-Mole" game of mindset work

(5) Benefits of using EFT, NLP and other tools to help better manage your emotions

(6) How to create a signature marketing system that works for you and your biz

(7) Why leveraging an entrepreneurial community is beneficial in growing your business

(8) Shana’s biggest piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who feel overwhelmed about launching their business

Connect with Shana
The Magnetic Entrepreneur Podcast
Facebook Group

*FREE Gift for listeners!

If you're a small business owner, it's important to get a business credit card to help manage your expenses and keep your personal credit score separate from your business. The Chase Ink Business Cash card is a great option, with no annual fee, 0% APR for the first year, and 5% cash back on purchases. You can also earn a $750 bonus if you spend $7,500 in the first three months after opening your account. To compare business credit cards and find the right one for your business, visit lindsayhanson.com/chase today.

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For more biz tips, BTS moments, and pissing off corporate bros, follow me on social media @lindsaymhanson! Instagram | TikTok

Want more tips to help you launch & grow your online business? Click here to join the FREE Quit Your Job, Sis Facebook Community!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

If you're wondering why your business isn't thriving despite the amount of effort and energy you put into it, chances are you need a mindset shift. Entrepreneurs often struggle achieving the success they strive for in business because their focus is on the wrong issue.

The reality is, in order to achieve success with any strategy, you must tackle what's really blocking progress: yourself! In this episode, I chat with Shana Dewitt, a business coach and marketing strategist, who helps women create sustainable businesses doing meaningful work.

Shana discusses why embracing the power of mindset shifts and releasing perfectionism are keys to success. She also shares tips on how you can get clear on your goals, the importance of investing in yourself and your business, and why getting help when you need it is essential. If you're ready to step up and make some real progress in your business, this episode is for you!

Join us as we discuss:

(1) Common mindset blocks that can keep women stuck from growing their businesses

(2) How to reframe your negative perspective on selling so you can feel good about promoting your services

(3) Identifying your underlying limiting beliefs and fears that are keeping you stuck

(4) Strategies for working through uncomfortable feelings and avoiding the "Whack-a-Mole" game of mindset work

(5) Benefits of using EFT, NLP and other tools to help better manage your emotions

(6) How to create a signature marketing system that works for you and your biz

(7) Why leveraging an entrepreneurial community is beneficial in growing your business

(8) Shana’s biggest piece of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who feel overwhelmed about launching their business

Connect with Shana
The Magnetic Entrepreneur Podcast
Facebook Group

*FREE Gift for listeners!

If you're a small business owner, it's important to get a business credit card to help manage your expenses and keep your personal credit score separate from your business. The Chase Ink Business Cash card is a great option, with no annual fee, 0% APR for the first year, and 5% cash back on purchases. You can also earn a $750 bonus if you spend $7,500 in the first three months after opening your account. To compare business credit cards and find the right one for your business, visit lindsayhanson.com/chase today.

Support the Show.

For more biz tips, BTS moments, and pissing off corporate bros, follow me on social media @lindsaymhanson! Instagram | TikTok

Want more tips to help you launch & grow your online business? Click here to join the FREE Quit Your Job, Sis Facebook Community!

Need a coach or social media manager to help you launch & grow your online biz? Work with me!

[00:00:59] Lindsay: Hello everyone and welcome back to the podcast. I'm here today with Shanna dewitt, a business coach and marketing strategist who helps women create a sustainable business doing meaningful work. It's her passion to help women succeed at entrepreneurship so they can have more choices and opportunities in their lives.

[00:01:18] She is a certified success coach with additional certifications in NLP time EFT, hypnosis and Reiki. She uses these unique tools in addition to her expertise and experience in owning three online businesses to help her clients create the standout messaging, custom marketing strategies, and magnetic mindset they need to reach six figures.

[00:01:41] And today we're gonna be diving into how to know whether you have a marketing problem or a mindset problem. I'm so excited for this conversation. So Shana, welcome to the podcast.

[00:01:51] Shana: Lindsay, thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to be here. I love talking about marketing and mindset, so I can't wait to get started.

[00:02:01] Lindsay: Yeah, same. I love it too. So before we dive into marketing, I'd love to hear a little bit more about your journey as an entrepreneur and kind of how you got to where you are today. 

[00:02:11] Shana: Well, like most people, I feel like my journey has everything to do with how I like to serve people. Right now, I was a art director at a Fortune 100 company and decided to leave corporate and did what a lot of people do, which is, okay, well if I'm going to work for myself, let me just do what I know.

[00:02:29] So I started a design studio and grew that business. The point where, , you know, I had a lot of success and I learned a lot about marketing and entrepreneurship. And along the way found that what I really loved about having my own business is the relationships that I formed with clients. It was the conversations about their business, that broader view.

[00:02:50] And so people started asking me to coach them. And that's, you know, it's funny because you are always doing the thing that you really want to do. Yeah. Way before you realize, oh, this is the thing I wanna do, right? Yeah. And so it took people. and I, I remember so specifically thinking if this could be my job, this would be the best thing in the world.

[00:03:08] I just got paid to help people do, like, just paid to have these conversations. And so when someone said, Hey, can I pay you to have this conversation, , I thought, okay, I'm, I'm listening. Like I, I see this. And so then I started to get certifications and things like that. And the reason why was just because I felt like when I started an entrepreneurship, which was about eight years, people weren't talking about mindset.

[00:03:32] Mm-hmm. , and I actually did not know anyone else who was doing what I was doing. So I, I had no support. I thought it was just me. I had all these negative thoughts and, you know, lots are crying and just thought, oh, it's, it's just me, but it's not just me. And so what I've realized is how important mindset is to your success.

[00:03:53] Mm-hmm. , how easy it is, how fast you get there. How much joy you find in a journey along the way. Totally about mindset. So that really made me wanna see what else could I do to really give my clients that extra edge? And that's where the NLB and the time technique certification came in, because it's kind of like, Cleaning house is the way I think of it.

[00:04:15] You, yeah. You have these limiting beliefs and things and it's like, okay, let's just get rid of those because you know, our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create our actions. Mm-hmm. . So if you wanna show up in your business and you wanna be confident and you wanna act as if, I know that's something you hear a lot.

[00:04:31] Yeah. You gotta clear out the jock. So that's why I am just so sold on mindset and strategy to create the business that you. . 

[00:04:42] Lindsay: Okay. So did you find that that mindset piece was something that was really huge for a lot of your clients as well as you were 

[00:04:49] Shana: coaching them? Definitely, and that's part of where I came up with the topic that we're talking about today, is because you know, you don't wanna waste a lot of time in your business trying to solve the wrong problem.

[00:05:00] Mm-hmm. . , right? You wanna solve the right problem, like who's got time to waste on the wrong problem? And so, so often I've found that sometimes it's that we think we have a problem and we just keep working and looking for a solution. This is my problem, this is my problem. And that's actually not your problem.

[00:05:17] It's just. The your mindset, the way you're thinking about it, it's because you're avoiding something. Right? That's a huge one that we can talk more about. And then just seeing, I feel like there's the strategy and then there's the magic and the mindset part is the magic. Yeah. And what I have always loved about teaching is that moment when something clicks and people get it, and it's like a whole new world, right?

[00:05:39] That Disney song, it's a whole new world , and I see the same thing. So I can have a client who's doing the same thing, doing the same thing, has a mind set shift, and it feels like, oh, I'm doing something completely different. Everything is working. I can't believe it. And. You've been doing this the whole time, you know, it was completely just mindset.

[00:05:57] So I think that it's, you know, at least 80% of the game is mindset. It's huge. 

[00:06:02] Lindsay: Yeah, I agree. I've seen that. It, it reminds me of myself earlier in my business, kind of in that first year and a half, and I felt like I was trying all of the strategies, like every single marketing strategy someone was giving me, I was trying and I was like, why are all these things that work for other people?

[00:06:22] Not working for me. And then I think it was really when I started working with my own life coach and we were really diving into that mindset piece. I started to see things working, but I wasn't changing anything that I was doing other than working on the mindset part of it. So it really is so powerful.

[00:06:41] And do you notice any common. kind of mindset blocks that can keep women stuck from growing our businesses. Are there, are there kind of similar ones that come up for a lot of your clients? 

[00:06:52] Shana: Yes, there definitely are. So I just wanted to go back though, to something that you said about trying all the strategies.

[00:06:59] If you're a person who is new in your business, try stuff. I mean, definitely, but, but here's the difference. Here's where the mindset makes a complete difference. If you are trying everything. with the feeling of this has gotta work. Mm-hmm. . And then it doesn't work for you. Like it works for someone else and you think, oh, there's something wrong with me.

[00:07:17] Yeah. Right. Yeah. And then you just let out your inner mean girl and you must not be ready for this. You're not good enough for this. You don't know enough. You know, all of this kind of stuff. Versus if your mindset is, Hey, this is a lot of new territory that I'm not familiar with, I'm gonna dip my two in and just kind of experiment and see what really works for.

[00:07:35] and not, you're not taking it personally, right? Completely different because everybody has to go through that figuring it out stage. It's kind of like puberty, I think is what it feels like. You know? It's painful, but we all have to go through it. , but your mindset can make that process so much shorter and so much easier.

[00:07:52] We are excited, like, gosh, you know, I tried reels on those word for me, or mm-hmm , I, you know, whatever it might be. So I just wanted to say that's a big one, cuz I know a lot of your audiences getting started in business. So that's a huge one for mindset. Don't make everything be so personal, just let yourself think about how it's fun.

[00:08:10] Like make it fun in an adventure to see what's gonna work for you, what's not gonna work for you, because it's gonna be different. Nobody. Experience and journey is exactly like yours. But, uh, back to your question, mindset. Things that I see that are very, very common, one that I hear a lot is that people don't want to be sold to mm-hmm.

[00:08:29] So a lot of people have a lot of failings. I'll just say a lot of feelings about sales and. , they avoid it at all costs. Right? They feel like, yeah. People don't wanna be sold to. So in the scope of that, it's if I'm selling too much, it's gonna be gross. People aren't gonna like me if I'm selling too much, people aren't gonna follow me.

[00:08:49] They're gonna leave my group. They're gonna get angry. So much. I, I hear that a lot. And what I would like to say about that one, and as far as shifting your mindset around feeling like people don't wanna be sold to is people love to be sold to. Tell yourself that every single day, because here's my example.

[00:09:08] If you walk into a store and you're just browsing, like you're just wasting time, and you have four or five people come up and say, can I help you with something? . I mean, let's face it, it'll be nice, but we kind of annoyed like, no, I don't want any help, because you know that you just went in there to browse.

[00:09:22] But if you walk into a store and you're looking to buy something specific and not one person helps you, how mad are you? Yeah. Right. You're like, I can't believe this. You know what is going on here, and you're frustrated. . People love to be sold too because the act of selling is letting somebody know that you can solve their problem, how you're going to do that.

[00:09:42] It's letting them feel so good about giving you their money that, I mean, they're excited about it. They're so glad they found somebody that can solve their problem. You've answered all of their questions. They're sure it's gonna be a good investment. That is the art of selling. But we're not trying to do that to people that don't want what we.

[00:09:59] Yeah, right. We're not like chasing people down in the streets or anything, . So that's the biggest line is you've gotta really change your mind around what you think selling is. Selling is helping, you know, these are all things that you can repeat to yourself over and over again. The way that I think about selling is it is helping, because when I sell to you, when you purchase something from me, I'm like listening to my podcast or being on my Facebook group.

[00:10:22] That is the way that I can create the most impact in your life and in your. . 

[00:10:27] Lindsay: Yeah. Yeah. And I think too, especially in the online space and on social media, it's easy to feel like, well, first of all, what you said about like, you're not selling to people who don't want what you have. Like they wouldn't be following you if you weren't posting content that was valuable to them, that they were interested in learning more, interested in going deeper, right?

[00:10:47] So you're selling to an audience of people who want what you have to offer, but I think also it's easy. as the business owner, as the one creating the content to feel like you're selling all the time when you're talking about your offer all the time, but not every single person who follows you sees every single thing that you post

[00:11:08] And so I think that also is helpful to keep in mind cuz sometimes we're like, . I mean, I'll get messages from people who are like, oh, I had no idea that you had this offer. And I'm like, I feel like I've been talking about this every day for like three months. How did you not know that I'm selling this thing?

[00:11:23] Right? So not every single person sees every single thing you post. And having that consistency in your messaging I think is so important. Cuz there also might be people who just found you. And even though. Talked about your offer two weeks ago, they're not gonna see those posts, and so you have to talk about it over and over again.

[00:11:43] Shana: Right? Another one is I, I feel like the worst part of business is when you have everything set up. So you've got your messaging and you've got your offer, and. . Now you're just having to show up and talk about it and market yourself and sell and give value and do all the things, and you're just waiting for the results.

[00:12:01] Yeah. You're just waiting for something to happen. That is where I see people like lose their minds. . Mm-hmm. , because been there . Yeah. I mean, we all have. Yeah, and I mean, don't think just because I'm saying this, like I haven't been there either, because I have, that's how I know. Right. That's how I know. It sucks.

[00:12:16] It sucks so bad. And that is, yeah. To me, that's the. Part of business because you want that validation. Mm-hmm. , you wanna know that it's working and then we get antsy. So I, I know that everyone who was listening to this, and when I say it, they're gonna be like, oh God, that was me. I heard somebody one time said, I wish, where were you a year ago when I was saying Exactly.

[00:12:35] Me . But we get antsy. We feel like we need to do something because most of us have this idea, and it's a hard one to break. It's especially been hard for me that the more I do, the more results I get. Yes. Yeah. And that's actually not true. . So that's a really hard shift to make. I think feeling like the harder I work, the longer I work, the more hours I put in, the closer I'm getting to my goal, the more you know, the more output, the more results I'm gonna get.

[00:13:00] So when you're in this place of, well, I've got all my stuff, and this is a part where my only job is to be consistent, to consistently show up and work my strategy, it is so hard, right? Mm-hmm. so hard. And you really have to shift a lot of things about the way that you think. So you're waiting for validation that everything is happening and that everything is working, but you can't depend on an outside source for that.

[00:13:25] I can give you so many reasons why, but you, that's when you really have to work your mindset and say, I'm showing up consistently every day. I'm building a six figure business every day. I know that people want what I have to. , I'm creating a huge impact in people's lives. You. That's what it means to show up as if, because if you were a hundred percent sold on yourself and knew that people were dying to get your offer, if they just needed it and people were looking for your offer, then you would show up with a whole different energy and attitude.

[00:13:56] right? Yeah. But if you're showing up and you're pissed when you get off alive and nobody, nobody came, and you're, you know, you're irritated that you put all this work into your Instagram post for the week and nobody left a comment. Yeah. You know what you're gonna do? You're gonna find some other place to take action, cuz you're gonna say, well, I'm not taking enough action.

[00:14:16] So you're gonna spend more time on Instagram, you're gonna rework your offers, you're gonna needle the crap out of your website, you're going to get on another platform, and all of those things that you're doing are gonna push your success farther and farther down the line.

[00:14:36] Lindsay: The one thing that I wish I had done when I first started my business was open a business credit card. Please don't be like me and put all your business expenses on your personal credit card. It is a nightmare for accounting purposes. It brought down my credit score and I was missing out on the low interest rates and amazing rewards that come with getting a business credit card.

[00:14:56] What was I, I have no idea. But last year I finally got the Chase Inc. Business Cash card and I have been loving it. There's no annual fee. 0% APR for the first year, and I get 5% cash back on my purchases. Plus you can earn $750 in bonus cash back if you spend 7,500 in the first three months after opening your.

[00:15:20] I'm gonna be honest, I didn't have enough expenses to get that bonus, but if you're planning to work with a business coach, buy a new laptop, hire a web designer, or any other major expenses up front, this is the perfect time to apply for a business credit card. And you know your girl is here to hook you up.

[00:15:37] So to compare Inc. Business credit cards and find the right card to help you turn that dream business into a reality, go to lindsay hansen.com/chase today. Did I mention the best part? My business expenses no longer affect my personal credit score. We are backup and we are staying up babes. Find your best fit business credit card today@lindsayhanson.com slash chase.

[00:16:06] Yeah.  Absolutely. I think we, it's so easy, especially when you're in the middle of launching something and you don't see those signups coming in right away when you want them to. It's so easy to start doubting your strategy and everything that you're doing and feel like it's not working and feel like you're not doing enough.

[00:16:24] Ed starts spiraling, and then the actions you take from there, are gonna either confuse your audience or you're gonna not be consistent enough, and that's going to result. not getting signups, right? Not getting those sales. So how do you know whether it's not working or if it's just something in your mindset that needs to shift?

[00:16:46] Shana: Most of the time when people think that something's not working, this is kind of a key indicator for me when they say I feel like, hmm, I feel like I didn't get a lot of signups for this work. . And so then when we start actually asking questions like, well, how many people did you get signed up? How many of those were converting?

[00:17:08] How many of those actually came to the workshop? How many sales did you get? If that person is using email marketing, how many emails did you send out? What was the open rate? And then look at the conversion rate cuz what people can think. Like, oh, I had a really crappy launch. It's because they just had a feeling about it.

[00:17:26] But when you look at it, they could have a very high conversion rate, but not a lot of sales. So the problem isn't their process, it's the amount of people that they expose to their offer. Hmm. . Yeah. Okay. And if you just say, well, I feel this way, I'll, I mean, always acknowledge the way you feel. This doesn't feel good.

[00:17:46] I felt like this launch was disappointing. Okay. And let's see what really happened. Yeah. Let's see what we can do better next time. Because that is really the key. Like any marketing strategy works if you work it, but you just gotta decide that's what you really want to do, so that you stick with it until you iron out all the. Yeah. 

[00:18:07] Lindsay: Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I think it's so important to find strategies that feel good for you, cuz I think that makes it a little bit easier. It's something you're gonna stay consistent with cuz you enjoy doing it. Right. If you hate making Instagram reels, like you said earlier, you're not gonna show up consistently on Instagram and post those.

[00:18:25] Right. But if you love writing, emails, then maybe email marketing is your way to go, you know? And I think that plays a huge part in the effectiveness of your marketing too, is how much you actually enjoy what you're doing, . 

[00:18:38] Shana: Exactly. So it's always a good thing to acknowledge your feeling, but then really look at the evidence because you don't want to go like, here's an example.

[00:18:48] I have a client who has a very new Facebook. and she said, I just don't know about this Facebook group. I don't know if I wanna do it anymore. And I said, well, do you enjoy it? She said, yeah. And I said, and you said community visually important to you? Yeah. I really love the community. That's why I started.

[00:19:03] I said, but you wanna quit lying, she said, because I just feel like nothing's really happening in there and people aren't engaging and all this kind of stuff. , we looked at our engagement rate, which you can mm-hmm. , you can check out in some of the analytics they have. Her engagement rate was like a hundred percent.

[00:19:18] I said, so, okay, let's put this in perspective. You have a small group of like 300 people, but a hundred percent engagement rate. So do you need, is the group not working or do you just not have enough people in the group? Mm. Yeah, so then we, if we can kind of step outside of our feelings, because you can go down an ugly trail like this probably isn't working because I'm not polished enough or I don't know enough, or, you know, my photos aren't good enough and you can spend a lot of time doing a lot of things like that when you don't actually have a problem.

[00:19:52] You don't have a marketing problem, right? You have a mindset problem. . 

[00:19:56] Lindsay: Yes. Okay, so once you've figured out, maybe it's not a marketing problem and it's a mindset problem, how can you identify what is that underlying limiting belief or fear or doubt, or whatever it is that's keeping you 

[00:20:11] Shana: stuck? My very favorite question is what feeling am I avoiding?

[00:20:18] Hmm. What feeling am I trying to create or am I avoiding. , that one will get you every time because you think about the things that make you uncomfortable and there's a difference between being uncomfortable, but I'm gonna do it anyway, and just feeling shut down. So what you'll find a lot of times, and you may not even realize that you're doing it, is that you will do all kinds of things to avoid.

[00:20:44] Yeah. So I'll give you a couple of examples when you hear avoiding success. . That sounds crazy. I think everybody that hears that is like, that's so dumb. Who avoids it? But honestly, it's like the flip side of failure. So I feel like basically if you wanna avoid failure, also avoiding success, because one kind of doesn't happen without the other one.

[00:21:06] So if you are coming up with a lot of excuses, this is another keyword for me when I hear myself do and hear other people do it something, something, something. But yeah, it's always a. , you know, I would like to do this, but I can't do that because I would do this. But it, it's always that butt you can hear where you're starting to make excuses.

[00:21:26] Mm-hmm. and dig into the excuse and see what am I trying to create or avoid. . Yeah. So you can kind of see like, I mean, usually it's something fear-based, right? But when we can kind of identify what it is, then the thing is, is we get good at noticing where it shows up, cuz it shows up again and again in your personal life, in your professional life, in so many different ways.

[00:21:47] Do you remember the game? Whack-a-Mole? Yeah. . Okay. . That's how mindset is. And that's why it's called mindset work. Cuz you have to keep working at it because those thing has come back again and again. They're like, I thought we dealt with you already. Right? Yeah. No, no, it's back. It's back in a different way.

[00:22:02] So the only difference between where you are and where you wanna be, if you think about other people that are where you want to be, is that they've gotten really good at noticing their own BS and then being able to quickly work through it. Mm-hmm. . So it's not that it doesn't happen to them, it's just that they don't get stuck in it and.

[00:22:20] By not getting stuck there, they don't act from that 

[00:22:23] Lindsay: place. Yeah. Yeah. So what are some tools that you love to use for your clients once you've identified, okay, there's this underlying fear of failure, or fear of success, or fear of selling, or self-doubt or whatever it is. What are some tools that you use to help them work through those mindset blocks and kind of clear them?

[00:22:47] Shana: So I have a lot of different tools. I'll talk some about ones that I just do personally with clients, because I think it's a really great option, especially if you're a person who feels like you're having a lot of this is holding you back, and then mm-hmm some regular things that you can do on a day-to-day basis.

[00:23:02] So the way that I help my clients with this in the most impactful way, right in our one-on-one sessions is once we identify what something is, it's time to bring in NLP time techniques and see if we can shift that out. NLP is, a lot of it is linguistics. And so it's the way that you phrase questions.

[00:23:19] Mm-hmm. . So when someone, when I catch somebody saying something that I know is mindset, I question them on it until they're like, oh, I don't, you know, until they can actually just sort of turn it around themselves and then we create a reframe for it right there. One of my favorite questions is, when did you decide that , how, when usually gets people, cause you realize, oh, I did actually, I decided that that's not based on.

[00:23:42] And then the other thing is called time technique. Now, this one is one of my very favorite things I think I've ever learned, and I love to use it. And so what we do is we know that our thoughts are in our subconscious mind and they create those beliefs. And beliefs can create actions. So what we do in N L P is we go into the subconscious mind where that belief was created, and we change what surrounds that belief so that it we focus on the learning versus.

[00:24:10] the, you know, the message that we've created for ourselves and it takes free people from a place of feeling kind of paralyzed. I can't do this to, you know, that used to bother me, but it's not a big deal and I can move forward now. It's straight up magic, it's wonderful . So those are things that I love to use.

[00:24:29] Besides that, I really love journaling. I think that journaling is such a great way for you to be able. Connect with yourself. And then you know, we also know just based on the science of the brain, that visualization or repetition of new thoughts, right? Creating new thoughts actually starts to rewire your brain.

[00:24:48] And when you do that, your actions are gonna be different. . And so that's why things like affirmations and journaling are really helpful. They don't work as, they're not the same as, you know, the N L P N, things like that. But I mean, definitely I do that. I journal mm-hmm. , I, I, you know, use affirmations. And I also really love tapping.

[00:25:08] Tapping is a great way for you to shift some energy and some beliefs around things. It's free. Anybody can do it. Yeah. You know, it's very easy and accessible technique that you can use. In my Facebook group, we actually tap once a month, so once a month we have just, we just talk about mindset and we do journaling, prompts, tapping, and all around a certain belief that we need to c.

[00:25:33] Lindsay: Can you explain more about what tapping is for people who might not have heard of it before?

[00:25:36] Shana: So tapping is also called emotional freedom technique, and if you've ever heard of acupuncture, then you have an idea of what it is. So basically you just apply pressure to certain points on your body and you do it in a sequence.

[00:25:52] And then there, the first part of it is acknowledging the way that you feel. And it's kind of like you just dump all. , nasty, sad, whatever thoughts you have because you have to bring your emotions up and so that you can release them. And then as we move into the positive, so that's the reframe, then we start to release all of that, not only in our body energetically, but you know, also releasing those thoughts.

[00:26:17] And the idea is that it can take you from feeling all up in your feels about something to at least neutral. Yeah. Where you can think, you know, we don't make good decision. when we are stuck in a feeling of anxiety or fear or sadness. And so it quickly helps you bring it all down. And there have been studies that have shown that what it does to your cortisol levels, so bringing you out of that fight or flight is even more effective than talk therapy.

[00:26:47] Lindsay: Yeah. It's wild how our bodies work.  

[00:26:50] Shana: Yes it is. 

[00:26:52] Lindsay: And how we kind of just like hold on to these emotions. Literally in our bodies, you know? And I think it's, it can be so powerful to integrate that type of work. I've done it in the past and it does sometimes feel like it's just magic. It's like, how is me tapping on my forehead right now?

[00:27:10] Making me feel better, you know?

[00:27:12] Shana: But it, it does. I mean, even just our breath, you know, there are certain mm-hmm. breath techniques that they teach people that have ptsd. S they teach people in the military. . I mean, there, there's so many different tools. I think it's, you know, just experimenting and finding what works best for you.

[00:27:28] But if you are experiencing anxiety, if you are feeling stressed about this journey that you're on, there's so many people and just so many different ways to get support. Mm-hmm. , because it, it's, it shouldn't feel painful. 

[00:27:45] Lindsay: Yeah. Yeah. I think it's really about finding what works for you. There's so many tools to use, whether it's talking, coaching, therapy, journaling, doing, you know, EFT NLP, all these things that you mentioned, and I think f leaning on that support and those tools and finding what really works for you.

[00:28:04] I think there's been, I feel like I've. . I've tried most of those things. I feel like now I'm at a good point where I'm like, journaling really works for me. It always has. It's always been my thing. And once in a while I'll get the urge to meditate or do a breath work or do tapping or something. But I feel like for me, journaling is kind of always the core thing and finding whatever that is for you and making time for a regularly, I think is, is so huge to help work through any of that trapped emotion or energy that might be holding you back in your business.

[00:28:37] And so on the flip side of that, when it's not a mindset problem, how do you know whether you have an actual marketing 

[00:28:46] Shana: problem? Well, there are so many different things that you can look at when it comes to marketing. So if you feel like I have a marketing problem, or I must have a marketing problem because I'm not getting enough clients, I think there are four categories that you can always check.

[00:29:01] So this is kind of my process when someone comes to me and says, I'm not getting clients. I'm like, great, let's figure it out. Right? We'll just look at everything and see what's going on. Yeah, so we look at messaging. You've gotta be very clear about who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and why it matters.

[00:29:15] That's the first place I look because a lot of people need help. . The second thing that we look at is your services, your suite of services, and how they're supporting your financial goals. Because I also see a lot of times people have a financial goal and they're struggling to meet it and they feel like, well, I need more clients.

[00:29:32] But they don't, they need to rework their services so that it makes sense financially so that you know they're having client retention, different things. , the next place that we look is in their actual marketing. So these are all parts of marketing, but just specifically looking at their sales funnel to see if there is a part in there where they are not, where they're not getting traction.

[00:29:55] I mean, everybody has a sales funnel, they're getting something, but you may just be really good at getting people on the top of your fennel. So that's that kind of passive stuff. people following you on Instagram or Facebook, but then maybe you're still not getting sales. So we wanna look at all these different portions of your sales funnel.

[00:30:13] And then of course, the last part is your mindset to kind of see if that's what's keeping you or if maybe you don't even have the problems you think you do. Right. And that's really looking at the analytics. I, I don't think people talk about analytics enough as far as really looking at the data so you know exactly what's happen.

[00:30:30] When I work with clients, I look at all of those things like we take your whole business and we like clean out the closet. We take everything out. Mm-hmm. and lay it out on the table and we look at each thing. , you know? And as far as your funnel goes, that's a huge portion of one of the key things I do with clients, which is to develop a signature marketing system.

[00:30:48] Mm-hmm. And that just means you have a tried and true system of getting clients on re repeat, you know it works, right? Yeah. It's like turning a crank. You know exactly what is going to happen. And that's really what you need if you wanna get that unshakable financial security. But I also think it gives you a lot of freedom to.

[00:31:05] Mm-hmm. to try new things, to add new things into your business. So it gives you a lot of freedom and flexibility too. 

[00:31:12] Lindsay: Mm, I love that. And for anyone who might want to go deeper, do you have any resources to share or anywhere that they can connect with you? 

[00:31:22] Shana: Yes. So as I mentioned, I have a podcast, magnetic Entrepreneur Podcast and Facebook group because I really feel like this would be a great way to help as many women as possible really build their business.

[00:31:35] Shana: and you can join me and just think of me as your business coach and get to listen in on all of these sessions and then dive deeper with me inside the Facebook group. Awesome. I 

[00:31:44] Lindsay: will link both of those in the show notes for you guys. And Shannon, I always like to ask as my final question, what is the biggest piece of advice that you have for the woman listening who is struggling to make progress in her?

[00:32:02] Shana: This is really simple. Just get help. 

[00:32:05] Lindsay: I like it.

[00:32:07] Shana: I mean, if I, and I've had other people ask me, it's always the same. If I had one thing that I could have done differently, I would've hired a coach fried out of the gate. I didn't even know it was a thing. , I'm a business coach now. I didn't even know the word business coaches for people like me when I started.

[00:32:22] Yeah. But I just think about how, like, I'm glad for the experience cause I feel like I can help, you know, it's part of how I help other people, but, oh my gosh. Like how much time I could have saved. Like, I just mm-hmm. , I mean, don't ladies, uh, don't make it hard on yourself. Just, I, you don't, you don't have to be an expert at everything.

[00:32:40] You don't have to be perfect at everything, you know? Get help . 

[00:32:45] Lindsay: Yeah. You don't have to figure it out by yourself. 

[00:32:48] Shana: And having that support is huge when you support me and my business and I get to support you and then you get to support someone else. So that's really part of this wonderful like whole entrepreneurial community.

[00:32:59] Shana: So definitely just embrace that. Yes. I love 

[00:33:02] Lindsay: it. Shannon, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and for sharing all of your tips and wisdom with us. I will link your podcast and your Facebook group in the show notes for the listeners. I know that they got so much to take away from this episode, so thank you again for coming on.

[00:33:20] Shana: Oh, thank you so much for having me.

Hear about Shana's entrepreneurial journey and how she started her business
Why your mindset is key to having business success
Common mindset blocks that can keep you stuck from growing your business
Reframing your mindset when it comes to selling and marketing yourself on social media
Is it a marketing or a mindset problem?
How you can identify underlying beliefs or fears that are keeping you stuck
Tools Shana uses to help others work through their mindset blocks
What is tapping and how it can help you grow your business
When you have a marketing problem in your biz
Final piece of advice for those who are struggling to make progress in your business